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Wednesday 3 May 2017

Types of outlining of an essay

What are the types of outline for an essay?

What is an outline?
An outline is a simple format which is created in the process of writing an essay. It gives a proper structure to an essay which follows writing a great write-up. A particular pattern is approached to write an essay where outlining it will help.

Why is an outline required?
1.Flexibility to write an essay: It gives the flexibility to write an essay. If an outline is created, it allows to easily write it.

2.Saves time to write an essay: An outline created for an essay saves half of the time to write an essay. As a pattern is already created, it becomes easy to organize the information.

3.Follows a pattern to write it: There are several kinds of outline. Each outline will help in giving it a pattern so that it can be followed smoothly thus creating a high quality essay.

4.Logically connects an essay: Each section in an essay is written for the purpose of making in lucid to understand. When an outline is created for an essay, it allows to logically connecting each section in a proper manner.

Types of outline of an essay and their explanation
As mentioned above, there are different kinds of outline for an essay. They are explained below.

1.Sentence outline: It is hierarchical outline which is used for writing piece for writing such as an essay, a paper, a book. It is a formal outline which presents thesis major points of the thesis, sub points of each main point

Benefits of writing a sentence outline


2.Breaks the point


4.Shows logical relationship

Structure of the sentence outline:
1.Main point
   A. Sub point
        i. sub point
       ii. sub point
    B. Sub point
       ii.sub point

2.Topic outline: It is a type of outline where headings are given in single words or brief phrases
Here each entry is a subtopic of the subject
Items are arranged in levels, they are used for publishing and distribution

Structure of the topic outline:
          Main subject topic
1.Attention grabbing sentence
 i. phrase about the topic
ii. Phrase about the topic
2.Attention grabbing sentence
i.phrase about the topic
ii.Phrase about the topic

3.Alphanumeric outline: This is a type of outline which includes a prefix before the start of the actual outline
It normally includes roman numerals in the first level, upper case letters in the next level, Arabic numerals in the next level and lower case letters in the later level.

Structure of the alphanumerical outline
Thesis statement
I. The main topic to be discussed
  A. subordinating points
1.Supporting points
   B. Subordinating points
1.Supporting points
2.Supporting points

II. The main topic to be discussed
  A. subordinating points
      1.Supporting points
      2.Supporting points
 B. Subordinating points
      1.Supporting points

4.Decimal outline: This type of outline will help in differentiating the main points from the subordinating points. As the name suggests, it uses decimal points to draw an outline.

Structure of the decimal outline 
       Thesis statement
1.0.First major point
      1.1Subordinating points
      1.2Subordinating points

2.0.Second major point
      2.1Subordinating points
      2.1.1Its supporting points
      2.1.2Its supporting points

5.Reverse outline: It is an outline which is created after the write-up is written. It is an outline which is created out of the existing text. For more information about this, follow this link

6.Integrated outline: It is a type of outline which  helps in creating scholarly papers. It contains several relevant scholarly sources

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